Monday, August 30, 2010

"Glad I'm not one of those guys you have to blog about..."

The fastest way to become one of the guys I blog about is to comment on the fact that you aren't. In reality the only reason why this next person wasn't in my blog is because the story is insignificant and a little boring.

While I was living in Olympia I did a lot of dating. Nothing that really had any serious impact except maybe for married boy and we already talked about that. I dated my first Korean boy, I slept with a black man who loved rock music and was named Elvis (random I know) who refused to date anyone seriously and didn't believe in love so of course I was extra smitten and I dated Stefan. Now I use the term dated very loosely. Out of all these boys Korean James was the only one who actually took me on dates.

I guess the story of Stefan is kind of interesting simply because it brings up the story of Kelsey. Kelsey was the first girl friend in Olympia that I really bonded with. We met on craigslist and instantly became glued to each other. We told each other just about everything. Mainly about our faults and dating problems. Kelsey and I both dated through a string of guys and shared a few of them. Stefan was one of them "kinda".

He hung out at the local bar and the first night I met him was only the second for her. She didn't like black men and I LOVE them and they're hard to find in Olympia. So of course being the awesome friend I am when it comes to boys I tried to get in on it. She told me she wasn't interested and gave me her blessing, but as him and I talked she was similtaneously texting him telling him that I was a big slut who she didn't think was "clean" and things of that nature. All these texts would be denied when our friendship broke up and I told her ex all of her transgretions.

Stefan and I slept together a handful of times. I was convinced he had a girlfriend still. I lovingly called her gap tooth. Yes, I know I'm so sweet. He's the first guy to leave jack in the box french fries in my bed, even though he worked at taco bell he never brought me free burritos (big brownie point loss there), he threw sleeping with Kelsey in my face and stormed out of my house (later denied it), he liked to only come over during booty call hours and I can't even tell ya the best part because I respect Stefan still even if our dating story is really lame and I probably shouldn't talk to him anymore.

Oh and if I could mention the fun stories that Stefan and Elvis used to tell me about the other to convince me that the other was no good we'd have a whole other blog.

So thanks Stefan for reminding me of yet another man in my life to blog about. Bet you'll think twice about facebook comments now. Say hi to gappy for me.

1 comment:

  1. You remind me of a cross between Lennie in "Of Mice And Men" and Emily, from "A Rose For Emily." Childish anger mixed with deep delusions about love. I know you have no idea what any of that means, so feel free to head over to Wikipedia and learn something.
